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Murder Richly Deserved


Targeted and groomed by a charming, sophisticated trafficker in stolen cultural treasures, Chloe Duval, smart young financial advisor by day and extravagant Parisian cat burglar by night, sets out to acquire the Queen of Persia diamond and races to stay ahead of a cadre of foes whose murky motives spell murder.


In a world of opulent wealth, fashion, friendship among thieves, on-and-off romance, greed, and duplicity where no one is quite what they seem, even a high-society wedding or a quiet stroll down a Parisian Street can turn instantly to intrigue and danger.





Murder Unrehearsed


When aspiring young actress Heather Shelton jumps in the car with her dog, Bear, and flees to her family's mountain cabin to escape an untidy romance, all she wants is peace and time to study for auditions. What she gets is murder. The only witness of a savage killing - and squarely in the crosshairs of a ruthless assassin - she is injured and left for dead.


Heather knows handsome men are bad news, but hottie lawman Matt McCrae's smile gets her every time, until he leaves her hanging out as bait to trap the killer. McCrae promises to protect her, but fails, and she faces the killer alone, with only Bear to help.



Murder Undetected

The moment psychologist Brittany Ann Thornton thinks she has her life all dialed in, her perfect little family falls apart and the FBI seizes all her assets. Trouble follows her from Seattle to Paris to the south of France.


Viane Thibaudet, darling of a quaint hilltop town in Provence, has been getting away with murder. But when she attempts to poison her husband, Brittany steps up to stop her.





 Murder Unrehearsed:


"Suspenseful, heart-warming and wonderfully written, Murder Unrehearsed is the kind of book you can't put down, and even if you could, you wouldn't want to." ~ Erin Jackson, Assistant Editor, Pacific Yachting


"An intriguing and complex mystery set in the gorgeous Pacific Northwest ... Looking forward to Roxanne's next book."

~ Marianne Stone, Author of Beautiful Friends


"The descriptive phrases and passages are gorgeous. The mystery itself is diabolical. Just enough clues so you can figure out some but are surprised by others." ~ Kate Mele, Associate Professor of Writing Studies, Roger Williams University


Murder Undetected:


"A fast-paced murder mystery. You'll be rooting for Brittany Thornton from the very first sentence to the very last."

~ Natalie Handy, World Cavalcade Travel Films


"Murder Undetected spans the globe with page-turning suspense, action, and thrills. A classic read with an unforgettable heroine."

~ Bob Fordice, Fourdice Book Trailer Productions